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Business valuation is a general process of estimating the economic value of the business. Business valuation plays a vital role to determine the fair value of a business, such as a merger or a sale to another entity, establishing partner ownership, taxation purposes, and divorce proceedings. Professional business evaluators like Al Saadi & Associates Auditing is eager to help in determining the value of your business!

Business valuation is typically conducted when a company is looking to the seller of its operations or in the event of a merger or acquisition of the business. The valuation of a business is important when you want to get what it is worth which includes the process of using objective measures and evaluating all aspects of the business to estimate its current worth. Some of the approach used includes Asset-based Approach, Income-based Approach, and Market Approach.


Companies are likely to face many difficulties dealing with the frequent changes in today’s economy, hence, company restructuring will help in unlocking the potential of the organization and position it for greater growth. Whether the intention for the company’s restructuring is to save the business or strategically repositioning itself in the future, the financial experts at AL SAADI & ASSOCIATES AUDITING will help business owners cope up with these challenging issues.